Religione Monoteistica is a photographic project by Alessandro Tione that was born in 2018 with the intention of documenting all the spontaneous gestures of love, tributes and urban art dedicated to the Pibe de Oro. As a testament of the never-ending romance between Naples and Maradona.

After more than 30 years, newspapers and vintage photographs of Maradona can be found in local shops, garages, pizzerias and on the city’s walls.

Religione Monoteistica is at the same time also a sociological and anthropological insight into the city of Naples. People's eyes shine when they recall their memories of the Argentinian number 10. Who gave the city something more important than any trophy: the conviction that Naples can win, against anyone.

The title of this project is definitely provocative as Naples isn't a monotheistic city at all. In fact it’s quite the opposite, but football-wise in the hearts of Neapolitans there is only one D10S: Diego Armando Maradona.